Veteran Financial Copywriter: Companies Scramble to Update Their Promotions in the Wake of Coronavirus, Crashing Market

I just got back from a long trip to Berlin and Vienna only to find that …

(a) I got out just in the nick of time before a travel ban from Europe was imposed; and

(b) half of my financial copywriting packages are suddenly obsolete.

As I write this, the Dow has taken another 10% dive on top of the 20% dive it took in the previous two weeks.  Yet I have a promo about to go live on selling puts, of all things… and another that just launched about mega-trends in the markets.

12 Gamechanging Trends to Make You Rich in 2020

So, what’s an enterprising young copywriter to do?

First, you have to realize that people still need help.  In fact, they need more help now than they did before the market tanked.  During a crashing market, there can often be a higher response to promotions than during the go-go years.  That was certainly the case in 2008-2009. 

Second, extreme events like market crashes and pandemics naturally lend themselves to winning promotions.  I’ve already begun to see coronavirus packages in my IN box talking about “bloodbath trading” and how to how cash in on market plunges. 

As a result, I’m going to be spending the next two weeks revising and re-writing at least six HTML promotions and maybe even a video or two so they speak to the current market.  Such is the life of a financial copywriter.  Your life moves with the ebbs and flows of the market.

I hope you’re off to a great year so far in 2020, despite or perhaps because of these volatile times.

If you want to chat about anything, give me a call or reply to this post.

Best wishes,

Robert Henderson,
Senior Financial Copywriter
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Robert Henderson is a freelance financial copywriter and marketing consultant. You can reach him by calling +1 (949) 492 5421.